
Causes of water pump overheating of pure water equipment and solutions

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Update time : 2023-11-14 15:57:42
Causes of water pump overheating of pure water equipment and solutions

1. Power supply reason: The voltage is too high or too low. Under a specific load, if the voltage variation range should be 5-10% of the rated value, the motor will overheat. The three-phase voltage of the power supply is asymmetrical, and the three-phase voltage imbalance of the power supply exceeds 5%, which will lead to overheating of the winding. Experience shows that more than 85% of agricultural motors are burned due to lack of phase operation, so pure water equipment motors should be installed with lack of phase protection devices.

2. the reason of the pump itself: the power does not match, the small horse car and the motor long-term overload, so that the motor temperature is too high. Pure water equipment that starts too frequently and is rated for short or intermittent operation will continue to work. The number of starts should be limited, and the thermal protection should be correctly select ed and used according to the calibrated rating on the motor.

3. the cause of the motor itself: the connection is wrong, the triangle is wrongly connected into a Y shape, so that the motor temperature rises rapidly. The stator winding has interphase short circuit, interval short circuit or local ground, and the motor is partially overheated if it is light, and the insulation is burned out if it is heavy. The squirrel cage rotor has broken bars or shortcomings, the motor runs for 1-2 hours, and the temperature of the iron core rises rapidly. If the ventilation system of the pure water equipment is faulty, check whether the fan is damaged, whether the rotation direction is correct, and whether the ventilation pipe is blocked. Bearing wear and rotor eccentric sweep the stator and rotor core friction, metal percussion sound, the temperature of the core rises rapidly. In severe cases, the motor smoke, and even the coil burned.

4, the reason for the working environment: the motor winding is wet or dust, oil stains, etc. Connection to winding, resulting in reduced insulation. The insulation resistance of the motor should be measured and cleaned and dried. The ambient temperature is too high, when the ambient temperature exceeds 35 ° C, the inlet temperature is high, which will make the temperature of the motor too high, so it is necessary to improve its working environment as much as possible and build shade.

Pure water equipment pump overheating this problem in the pure water equipment system operation process is a more common problem, I hope you can master the above methods, so that your equipment to use more worry.