
How to remove impurities in water

Views : 440
Update time : 2021-05-26 16:11:23

What methods are generally used to remove impurities contained in the water?


• Gel filtration to remove colloids and larger particles

• To remove dissolved substances in water by carbon adsorption, chemical precipitation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, chemical oxidation, etc.

What is preprocessing? What are the treatment methods?

• Pretreatment refers to the preliminary treatment of water before refining in order to achieve good results and improve water quality before refining the water.

• Treatment methods: pre-sedimentation, coagulation, clarification, filtration, softening, disinfection and other methods to remove suspended solids, chroma, colloids, organics, iron, manganese, temporary hardness, microorganisms, etc. in the water.

Why should water be disinfected? method?

The "Drinking Water Quality Standard" stipulates that the total number of bacteria in the water sample shall not exceed 100/mL. In order to prevent the growth of bacteria, in certain areas of the industry (such as the cosmetics industry), drinking water must be disinfected. At the same time, disinfection can also remove the color of the water.

• Physical method: heating, ultraviolet, ultrasonic, etc.

• Chemical method: chlorination method, ozone method, heavy metal ion method and other oxidant methods