What are the reasons for the smell of water treatment equipment?
Views : 225
Update time : 2023-08-04 09:57:58
Water treatment equipment in the operation process may appear odor, that caused by the water treatment equipment smell what are the reasons?
The reasons for odors during the operation of water treatment equipment are as follows:
1, there are bacteria in the water treatment equipment. After the purchase of equipment for long-term use, do not pay attention to disinfection and sterilization cleaning, or this long-term placement is not used, the bacteria in the equipment will multiply, and the water will naturally produce odor, especially in summer, because summer is a peak season for bacterial reproduction, the higher the temperature, the faster the bacterial reproduction.
2, activated carbon has failed, activated carbon failure is one of the important problems causing odor of water quality, activated carbon filter is in the entire equipment as the main system for absorbing raw water odor, so once activated carbon failure, water treatment equipment production water will inevitably have odor, so we need to regularly rinse and replace activated carbon filter material.
3, the material is not qualified, there are bad manufacturers in order to reduce production costs, improve competitiveness of the use of inferior materials, which is our later can not solve the problem. The best way is to remind the majority of consumers, in the purchase, should choose a good reputation and good service of the big brand, do not be greedy and cheap. Before purchasing equipment, carefully understand how the equipment should be purchased to ensure that the purchase of qualified equipment.